Tuesday, 12 November 2013

Styling your wedding with scented candles: Wedding decor

So it’s getting cold, summer has long hung it’s vibrant head over the clouds and you’re getting ready for winter. Don’t let Jack Frost force you into the mysery of a lost summer, instead, warm yourself, your home and your wedding with scented candles. 

With it’s ritualistic vibe, lighting candles for me is a daily practice as I tuck myself away in my little autumn house: scented candles are the first thing to cheer me up every day and the last thing to relax me every night. And I’d love to see them used more at weddings, dotted here and there or on every table at the reception.

Sprinkled with dustings of sugar, spice and all things nice including glamorous adornments and gorgeous essential oils, scented candles not only make your house smell good but are actually extroadinarily calming. But forget my house, your house, anyone’s house – think scented candles for your wedding! YES! YES! hell YES!

Voluspa ZBallentinePhotography AIW 00 600x398 Wedding Blog

Photo courtesy of Moi at Alice HQ (aka my house)

Adding glamour, ambience, mood and warmth, scented candles are a must have at your wedding. Even if it’s a few small ones dotted around the tables or centerpiecing your cake table. You can add them for design and fragrance – your choice is limitless and you can get so many different shapes and sizes from beautiful pots to plain pots and I have a few favourites that I got from the Scented Candle Shop. One of them is just DIVINE! And I’m not giving you a fake-ole freebie review here either because it’s £28ish for what you see in the picture above – but it is all worth every smelly bit.

My favourite brand is the extravagant and nose worthy scented candles by Voluspa (see above photo courtesy of my house and my artistic attempt at product photography icon smile Wedding Blog ). My favourite flavour? The Macaron! Mmm hmmm! This baby makes you feel like you’re in Paris walking the back streets around the Pantheon with its nostril pleasures of Deli’s and cafe’s.

Voluspa are the stylish babies of the scented candle world. Those who love Chanel, carry their Dior lippy everywhere and who can’t wait for the latest issue of Vogue to roll out, this is your candle (or is that just me). You will love Voluspa, even the jars look expensive and they have so many different enchanting smells to choose from.

My second and the one which adorns most rooms in my house has to be the all round, guaranteed to find a scent you love, Yankee Candle. I have to be honest though and tell you that I’m rubbish at trying new scents with Yankee as I have my trusted favourites that permeate my house in sweet smells of vanilla, lavendar or fresh linen and I’m too scared to veer outside my comfort zone.

But don’t leave these decor babies at home, add them to your reception styled in little or large quantities and give your guests a little nostril pleasure on your big day.

So get rid of those tea lights and add some mood to your home and your wedding and check out the Scented Candle Shop for a menagerie of choice and styles.

I’m off to light one right now.

Have a super day.

Zarn xx




Styling your wedding with scented candles: Wedding decor

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