Thursday, 7 November 2013

Celebrate & Give a little to the NSPCC on your wedding day

When it comes to wedding planning, breaking tradition is the new tradition and any ideas that change the norm are frabjous in my wedding book. Brides are now more creative, more fun and some, a lot more daring too when planning their wedding and one aspect that has seen a plumage of difference over the last few years is the ‘Gift List’ and today, I have a spectacular, unique idea for you.

And I’m a huge fan of this new trend…

Lets be honest, a lot of us are already shacked up and living with Hubby2B before we get married so these days, pots and pans and the good ol’ toaster isn’t really a cool gift, so how about instead, your wedding gift list becomes a gift that you can give instead! Sound great? Then please read on…!

Use your wedding to bring some happiness to vulnerable children and young people.

Planning a wedding?

You can help the NSPCC improve the lives of children across the UK by asking friends and family to make a donation instead of – or as well as – buying you a gift for your wedding day. You can also help the NSPCC by purchasing our newly designed wedding favour cards and badges.

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Set up an online fundraising page:

The best way to raise money for your wedding is by setting up a JustGiving page which you can personalise with photos and details of your wedding and it’s a great way to keep track of how much has been raised.

It’s simple to set up – just go to and select “Make a page”.

You can also create online fundraising pages using Virgin Money Giving and
BT MyDonate.

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Purchase our wedding favour cards and pin badges:

Why not consider making a donation to the NSPCC on your special day by using our Wedding Favour cards and pin badges?

With space inside to personalise the cards with your names and the date of your wedding, these make a special and unique alternative to the traditional sugared almonds!

We can also provide you with special NSPCC Thank You cards for your guests at the reception, a wedding planner written by celebrity wedding guru George Watts and a best man’s sweepstake form (guests guess how long the best man’s speech will be; half the money goes to the winner and half to the NSPCC).

All funds raised will help the NSPCC to protect vulnerable children through its projects and services including ChildLine – the UK’s free, confidential 24-hour helpline and online service for children and young people.

 Don’t just take our word for it, here’s what Claire and Dan Cooper, who chose our favours for their wedding, had to say about it:

 ‘‘We were spending a lot of money on having a great day ourselves but wanted to also think of others whilst doing this. Giving to charity seemed more useful than getting all the guests a favour. 

The NSPCC is a charity that is close to our hearts –Claire works with children who have learning disabilities and are incredibly vulnerable. I think the work done by the NSPCC is fantastic.

We heard about the NSPCC Celebrate & Give scheme through an advert in a wedding magazine. The response to our charity wedding favours from our guests was great. Lots of them wore their pin badges on the day and most commented that it was a lovely idea.

We had a traditional wedding in a hotel with a BBQ followed by a disco. It was very relaxed, we had lots of family involved, and it was nice to know our day was helping a worthwhile cause.’’

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Other celebrations:

Whatever your celebration, we also have NSPCC Celebrate & Give donation boxes and posters to help you with your fundraising.

If you are planning a birthday, anniversary, christening, retirement, leaving party or naming ceremony, we can provide you with everything you need.

Get in touch:

Please contact us at or on 020 7825 2814 for more information about setting up a page and materials we can provide to help you. You can also visit our website here.

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About the NSPCC:

The NSPCC is the UK’s leading children’s charity specialising in child protection. Our vision is to end cruelty to children in the UK and we make a difference for all children by standing up for their rights, listening to them, helping them when they need us and by making them safe. The NSPCC runs projects and services across the United Kingdom and Channel Islands to help vulnerable children. We also provide ChildLine, the UK’s free, confidential 24-hour helpline and online service for children and young people and a helpline for adults who are worried about a child or want advice.

If you have concerns about a child or young person, you can call the NSPCC on 0808 800 5000, text 88858 or visit

Children and young people can contact ChildLine on 0800 1111 or visit


Celebrate & Give a little to the NSPCC on your wedding day

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