Sunday, 30 August 2015

Corsets that blow your mind, not your budget!

As many of you know I have a ‘thing’, a dream if you will to own as many corsets as I can – so far, I have two. I know, miserable right? Not a great start really but in my world, that of school runs, dirty clothes and sweating over my Mac, they’re not really appropriate. Insert dream of a different, elaborate lifestyle where corsets are a must!! – And to be honest, there aren’t a lot of designers out there that I’ve found that I absolutely love when it comes to corsetry work. But guess what?! Today, I’ve got a new one to show you. I’m totally smitten with her work and her corsets and wedding dresses are just ‘blow your mind feminine’. They ooze sensuality, sexuality and if Anne Summers were to design like this we’d be at the store every pay day and Hubby-to-be would be in his ultimate dreamland!

I would throw one of these on with a pair of jeans and a blazer if I were brave enough.  And that’s the ultimate beauty that I love about a corset, no matter what size or shape you are, you look sexy, gorgeous, beautiful and feel all of the above.

Todays designer is the fabulous Juliana from Moscow – check out her site at for more of her stunning designs.

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The post Corsets that blow your mind, not your budget! appeared first on Alice In Weddingland Wedding Blog. by Zarn

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