Friday, 12 September 2014

Our first Queen of Hearts

Here she is!

Our first submission for our Queen of Hearts gallery and doesn’t she look absolutely stunning!

The dress

Mrs D Hampshire 02 1024x731 Wedding Blog Our 1st Queen Of Hearts

We are so excited (eooooooo!)

…we have our first Queen Of Hearts in our gallery and she so deserves the spot!

Anth from Hampshire has submitted her wedding dress as the particular ‘detail’ she loved on her wedding day.  And boy was I was taken aback when I saw the second photo revealing the back of the dress (the train).  Your dress is a beautiful example of how such a vibrant colour can be used so elegantly. I love your dress Anth!  It’s breathtaking. So feminine, so romantic!

I can see it now, your walking down the aisle, everybody in awe at the beautiful bride walking toward them only to be absolutely surprised as you float past them to reveal the spectacular back of the dress.

By cleverly matching the colour with your bridesmaids too, your wedding dress becomes even more the focus.   I see the scarlet red was in your theme, its such a romantic colour.  And, your veil (you clever thing) having it as see-through as possible ensured the entire dress was always the focus.  The bouquet too…all melting together in a little wedding pot. Beautiful! (Awww  - I feel your love!).

We’re really pleased (really pleased) that you wanted to submit your photos to the Alice In Weddingland Queen Of Hearts Gallery.  This is the kind of detail we love!

All is revealed

Mrs C Hampshire 01 682x1024 Wedding Blog The back of Anth’s wedding dress – breathtaking!

Our first Queen of Hearts

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