Thursday, 14 August 2014

Absent from the blog but present in real life!

You may have noticed I’ve been missing from the blog for a while… OK, a long while! And it’s taken me a long time to finally sit in front of my littleMac and type this post; I thought about apologising, but honestly, I’m not sorry. I’ve been selfish for months now… but I needed to be. My daily gossiping about weddings and fashion and all things photography seemed so useless and completely unnecessary in my life over the last few months…

Now I’m ready to bring on the love and get back to Alice. Here’s why I’ve been away…

Now I won’t elongate the last few months of my life in words that sound like I need sorrow, or pity but the truth is, life’s been hell. We lost Rob’s Dad at the beginning of the year after a traumatic stint in hospital and then in the weirdest twist of fate, his Mum landed in hospital needing life saving surgery one week before his Dad’s funeral.

Then a few weeks after the funeral finally went ahead my beautiful sister was diagnosed with breast cancer and has been fighting it ever since…

That was my last straw – I crashed!

My last few months have been like sheets of ice breaking every time I took a step so, I decided, most selfishly, that my family needed to come first. And it did! And it still is… but

I’m back in a multi coloured rainbow kind of fashion and loaded with some awesome wedding stuff and more BIG surprises. (Things will be somewhat different around here) because…

Things have become somewhat a little steadier now so

1. I’m back, Alice is back!

2. And I have a (super excited about this one) sparkly new vogue-esq blog design on its way soon

3. I’m also currently lapping up the summer holidays with my bewdiful baby girl before she returns to school in two weeks as a big Yr 2 girly so I’m enjoying the stuff I love – her!

4. I’ve also become a health-conscious-doodle bug, (don’t get me started… no, actually, DO!) and I’m addicted to all things fresh, beautiful and physically torture-esq (ask my Yoga teacher)

5. And my new passion for being a healthy, yet still nutty, crazy, out-of-the-box, passionate human being will become a HUGE part of Alice this time (loads of super cool blog posts coming on all things bright, green and happy).

When I started blogging I thought there was a ‘proper’ way I had to blog, a ‘supposed’ way I had to proclaim my identity but lives lessons have taught me one thing this year … honesty, truly is the best medicine.

It will be me on the blog, live, raw, and uncut this time. I won’t pretend to love Rock n roll if I don’t (not that I did), or get a tattoo just because it makes me look cool or pretend to be the stylishly perfect blogger I see so much of on the internet. I have warts, I am passionate and therefore I hate and I make mistakes but it’s all mine and I do it with great heart and loads of passion.

The one thing I’m not though, is rude, I don’t swear like a trooper and I won’t shove my opinions down your throat.

I will ..

be creating one hell of a place for you to get inspired by all things creative and stylish

be seeking your ideas too

be sharing my ideas, passion, out of the box thinking on all things wedding, love and life! (With the occasional Green tea).

I’m quite simply quirky, out-of-the-box, social and packed full of energy (most days) and that’s who you’ll find here (and somewhere else *chuckles to herself* more on that later)…

Arrgh! It’s sooo good to be back!

Stay tuned for more passion, out-of-the-box, social and energising creativity.

Zarn xx

Photo credit:

Absent from the blog but present in real life!

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