Tuesday, 2 April 2013

Alice: the new online magazine

I tip tap tap away this morning with this biggest smile on my face. Yesterday at approx 2pm, we launched Alice. This project has taken me on a journey of self-discovery as well as uncovering some incredible wedding industry talent along the way. This morning I thought it was appropriate to share with you my Editors letter from the new online wedding magazine so that you too can share in the creation of Alice and discover why we made the (somewhat controversial) decision to go online.

After celebrating with close friends last night I’m collapsing in a heap and spending some time with my family today. Thank you for all your amazing support and spreading the word about Alice!

the letter…

Alice editor, Zarn Ballentine, introduces the April 2013 launch issue:

Having felt like we’ve been stuck in a time-warp for the last month and repeatedly flicking the switch on the kettle, we are incredibly proud to be introducing Alice, the magazine.

When I first imagined Alice, the idea of creating such an enormity was incredibly overwhelming, a lot like planning a wedding. But we plucked out a start point and went from there with notebooks, scribbles, pages of magazines, internet bookmarks, you name it, all excitedly inspiring my creation and just like a wedding, when you finally get there the best you can do is go along for the ride, eyes wide open, mouth in a permanent smile.

Welcome to Alice!


For us it’s all about the Bride, the vendor and creating a place unlike any other on the internet.  We initially started with the idea of Alice in print; I’m a sucker for beautiful things, beautiful artwork and is there really anything better than sifting through pages of beautiful photos while sipping a cuppa tea? Well, we thought there was.

From Alice In Weddingland (the unique wedding blog) we’ve created our own new adventure Alice: a newsy, magaziney, quick to grab, brilliant over morning tea, dip into when I can kind of magazine. We didn’t want another blog, it couldn’t be a news portal either and we didn’t just want to produce an ‘issue’ every month of my ramblings. So we came up with a mischievous, fun, creative plan, to go digital.

Alice magazine is your space where you get up-to-date information on all things weddings written not only by me but by many feature writers from around the globe! With our industry expert A-Team, hand-picked from Alice In Weddingland sharing their years of expertise to help you with your wedding planning plus other feature writers. This issue alone comes from the UK, Australia, the US, Germany, Austria and other amazing places in the world, all sharing their experiences and knowledge on weddings.

So why digital and not print?

I’m a magaine junky, forever moving piles of tiny mountains around my loungeroom because I haven’t yet ‘finished that one‘ or ‘I really need to tear out some pages in this one‘. And that’s one of the reasons we went digital. Gone are the days of having to turn over pages on the new Mulberry handbag, reminding yourself ‘I love this!’. The ability to pin and social media your finds was extremely important to us. This is probably one of the most important aspects to planning your wedding – building your scrapbook and sifting through it on a daily basis (if you’re anything like I me)!

I wanted to get rid of the frustration of having to trawl back over turned pages and better still, rid that whole hair-pulling ritual of never being able to find ‘that article’ again. I want you to be able to pin, tag and social media to your hearts content within Alice, so it was critical that we go digital. But I also have a love-hate relationship with online flip-books. I really don’t like having to trawl through 100′s of pages to find the interesting articles. On Alice, they’re all right there on your screen so you don’t have to read everything – just the things grab your interest, all neatly tidied under the perfect categories.

We are also really concerned with keeping as green as we can. The ethical beauty of non-print material and saving trees and reducing our carbon footprint by going digital proved the right way to go for the magazine too.

In this issue:

Keeping in sync with the Alice In Weddingland blog, inside Alice you’ll find stylish, creative, unique, beautiful, captivating things aswell as stunning photography, after all, that is my addiction – beautiful things.

We are fun, interesting, social, interactive, quick and a happy browse over a cuppa tea.

I’ve loved searching the world for the best Steampunk wedding ever. And I say with hand on heart, it is, truly epic! For months I’ve been searching all corners of the globe for this wedding and low and behold, it was hiding in my home country Australia.  This couple rock!!! Talk about enchant your guests…! They encapsulate what it means to plan your unique wedding and how to create a story of who you are on your wedding day. I wish I was at that wedding (anyone planning another Steampunk affair and would like one more guest, get in touch).

This wedding beats my original favourite Steampunk wedding (and you all know how I felt about that one) hence the statement on the front cover. Faith and Michael’s wedding is like a Jules Verne novel brought to life with Hollywood style spectacular - really! I also fell in love with Tom Hall, a Brisbane wedding photographer. His wedding photos are taken far beyond the ‘point and shoot’ mission of a photographer and transforms his shots into visions of storytelling art.

I’ve been in battle with myslef for some time in a little wedding photography dilemma: post production vs the un-touched shot. However, the battle has been won. I am a raving groupie of wedding photo post production and Tom Hall’s visions are immaculate. His wedding of Luke loves Natalie is a stunning example of his work and again, shot Downunder in my home city, Brisbane, Australia.

Amongst the A-Teams’ brilliance is Pamela Reed’s article on New Orleans. After reading her feature I wanted to jump on a plane, don my attire and join the party in new Orleans! Her article is infectious and if you’re thinking about a getaway wedding, consider the blues capital of the world if you’d like to party! Really party!

Finally, if you enjoy this issue then please do hit the subscribe button (above right) and enter your email address and join us as we continue the Alice adventure. We want to be your menagerie of unique wedding everything! Our power powerpacked regular issues will continue to enchant your screens and in between we’ll keep you up to date with all the latest stuff (we love stuff), the latest gossip and the latest news from around the world on all things uniquely wedding. This is your site, dip into it as often as you like – and it’s FREE!

Have a frabjous day!

Alice Issue 1 Cover sq

My biggest thank you!

My huge thanks goes out to Claire of Beautiful Moment for bringing to life a vision and creating the stunning illustration of me for my Editors Features (above). I was absolutely overwhelmed when I first saw it and still am.

And of course the warmest, snuggliest thanks goes out to the Alice A-Team who put up with my late night emails and passionate cries for help. You’ve made Alice a vision come true. Thank you for your patience and your brilliant expertise – here’s to so much more!

And to you! Thank you for reading Alice In Weddingland and supporting the wedding blog and thank you for opening your heart to the idea of Alice, the online wedding magazine. Do check out the amazing Steampunk wedding featured, it truly is the best Steampunk wedding in the world; the photos are unbelievable. There’s also a frabjous feature on choosing your wedding dress to your shape which I think every woman should know before buying their dream dress. There is so much to read in the launch issues you can dip in and out as often as you want to. I hope you enjoy it as much as we did putting it together for you.

Much love




Alice: the new online magazine

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